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Australia rises to second in world budget management rankings, IMF data shows

Treasurer and finance minister hail ‘remarkable achievement’ as monitor finds balance to be behind only Canada among G20 countriesFollow our Australia news live blog for latest updatesGet our morning and afternoon news emails, free app or daily news podcastAustralia’s overall budget balance is the second strongest among G20 nations, behind only Canada, according to the International Monetary Fund’s latest fiscal monitor.The IMF’s half-yearly update, released on Wednesday night, found Australia’s overall budget balance came in at -0.9% of gross domestic product in 2023, with only Canada’s budget position (-0.6%) faring better.Sign up for Guardian Australia’s free morning and afternoon email newsletters for your daily news roundup Continue reading...

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General News / Drug distributor Cardinal Health to lose OptumRx contracts
« Last post by LaserWats on April 22, 2024, 06:10:08 PM »
Drug distributor Cardinal Health to lose OptumRx contracts

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General Discussion / Re: Daily Market Analysis By FXOpen
« Last post by FXOpen Trader on April 22, 2024, 12:16:41 PM »
Hong Kong-listed Chinese Insurer Goes on Rally as Western Giants Retract

The Asia Pacific region has once again become an area of great interest to investors and traders as some remarkable patterns of volatility have begun to make their presence felt.

This morning, a few examples of Hong Kong-listed Chinese companies which have made headway are apparent as the Asia Pacific region's trading session spearheaded the beginning of the week ahead for financial markets.

One such company is China Pacific Insurance, whose Hong Kong-listed stock is available for trading as a CFD on FXOpen's TickTrader platform.

The company has made some remarkable headway over the past few weeks, culminating in a further acceleration in value toward the high point that it has reached today, placing it among the top risers across all markets globally.

At the end of last month, China Pacific Insurance stock was at a low point, trading at 13.28 HKD on March 27, however, this situation turned itself around quickly, and throughout April so far, the stock has been increasing in value, reaching 15.91 HKD according to FXOpen pricing by 8.00 am UK time this morning by which point the majority of the trading day in Hong Kong was complete.


Disclaimer: This article represents the opinion of the FXOpen INT company only. It is not to be construed as an offer, solicitation, or recommendation with respect to products and services provided by the the FXOpen INT, nor is it to be considered financial advice.
AI·반도체株 이상징후… 삼성·하이닉스도 약세

삼성 1.93%·하이닉스 0.98% 하락
美 대형주 ‘M7’ 옥석 가리기 전망

전 세계 증시를 견인해 온 인공지능(AI)·반도체 기업들에 이상 징후가 나타나면서 주가도 일제히 하락세로 돌아섰다. AI 반도체 대장주로 꼽히는 엔비디아 주가가 고꾸라지면서 그 여파가 국내 반도체 기업에도 미치고 있다. 중동전쟁 확산에 따른 지정학적 불확실성에 더해 단기 급등에 따른 차익 실현, 기대에 못 미치는 업황 우려 등 여러 요인이 엔비디아발 AI 쇼크를 불러온 것으로 분석된다.
●엔비디아, 올 최고가 대비 20% 하락
22일 금융투자업계에 따르면 올 초부터 고공 행진해 오던 엔비디아 주가는 지난 19일(현지시간) 762달러(종가 기준)로 올해 최고가(지난달 25일 950.02달러) 대비 19.79% 하락했다. 슈퍼마이크로컴퓨터 주가는 713.65달러로 정점을 기록했던 지난달 13일(1188.07달러) 대비 39.93% 폭락했다.
AI 열풍으로 주목받은 두 기업의 주가 하락은 국내 증시에도 영향을 미쳤다. 삼성전자와 SK하이닉스 주가는 22일 각각 7만 6100원, 17만 1600원으로 직전 거래일 대비 1.93%, 0.98% 하락했다. 지난 4일 8만 5300원으로 올해 최고점을 기록했던 삼성전자는 20일도 안 돼 주가가 10% 넘게 빠지며 ‘7만 전자’ 굴레에 갇혔다. SK하이닉스도 고대역폭메모리(HBM) 등 AI 시장 수요 확대에 힘입어 지난 11일 주가가 18만 8400원까지 치솟았지만 열흘 만에 8.92% 떨어졌다.
지난 18일 파운드리(위탁생산) 1위 업체인 TSMC가 올해 파운드리 성장률을 당초 약 20%에서 10% 중후반으로 하향 조정한 데 이어 슈퍼마이크로컴퓨터가 1분기 잠정 실적 공개를 미룬 게 주가 하락의 도화선이 됐다. 자동차, 스마트폰, PC 교체 수요가 정체되는 등 전방 산업이 살아나지 못한 데다 주요국 통화정책의 불확실성, 지정학적 리스크까지 겹치면서 시장의 불안감이 커지는 모양새다. 예상보다 더딘 파운드리 성장세에 공급 과잉 우려 목소리가 나오면서 공장 가동 시점도 조정하는 분위기다.
●24일부터 실적 발표… 증시 출렁일 듯
AI 열풍으로 주목받았던 기업들의 주가는 24일부터 차례로 발표되는 빅테크 기업의 1분기 실적에 따라 또 한번 요동칠 것으로 보인다. 메타는 현지시간 기준 24일, 마이크로소프트(MS)와 구글 모회사인 알파벳은 25일 실적을 발표한다. 국내 기업 중에선 SK하이닉스가 25일 1분기 실적을 공시한다. 이들 실적이 전망치를 웃돌 경우 단기 급등에 따른 조정론에 힘이 실리겠지만 예상치에 못 미치는 실적이 나오면 ‘매그니피센트(M) 7’로 불리는 미국 대형주 사이의 옥석 가리기가 시작될 것으로 전망된다.
한지영 키움증권 연구원은 “최근 주가가 상대적으로 견고했던 MS와 알파벳 역시 엔비디아발 쇼크로 성장 불안감이 높아진 만큼 산업 내 경쟁, 수요를 둘러싼 이들 기업의 전망치 변화 여부에 시장의 관심이 집중될 것으로 보인다”고 내다봤다.
Source: AI·반도체株 이상징후… 삼성·하이닉스도 약세
U23 Việt Nam lập 3 cột mốc lịch sử ở giải châu Á

Chỉ sau 2 trận đấu, U23 Việt Nam dưới thời HLV Hoàng Anh Tuấn đã vượt các lứa do đồng nghiệp Park Hang-seo (2018) và Gong Oh-kuyn (2022) dẫn dắt để tạo 3 cột mốc mới: thắng trận ra quân, tổng điểm vòng bảng cao nhất, vào tứ kết sớm một vòng đấu.
Source: U23 Việt Nam lập 3 cột mốc lịch sử ở giải châu Á
General Discussion / Re: Daily Market Analysis By FXOpen
« Last post by FXOpen Trader on April 22, 2024, 09:23:39 AM »
Bitcoin Price Bullish after Halving-2024

On April 19, 2024, a halving occurred in the Bitcoin network, resulting in the reward for the mined block amounting to 3.125 BTC.

Historically, after the halving (which is associated with a reduction in supply), the price of Bitcoin heads to all-time highs. But, as Forbes reports, Goldman Sachs analysts warn against extrapolating the results of Bitcoin price movements after past halvings to the current moment. After all, back then, the halvings occurred during a period of loose monetary policy by the Federal Reserve, while this time the Fed is struggling with harsher-than-expected inflation.

JPMorgan analysts led by Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou are also cautious. “We do not expect Bitcoin price increases post halving as it has been already priced in,” they wrote.

However, this morning Bitcoin is trading above USD 66,000, the highest price in a week. Adding to the market's positivity are rumors that the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) in Hong Kong is going to approve spot applications for Bitcoin ETFs.


Disclaimer: This article represents the opinion of the FXOpen INT company only. It is not to be construed as an offer, solicitation, or recommendation with respect to products and services provided by the the FXOpen INT, nor is it to be considered financial advice.
"نظام السلام في خطر".. شولتس يعد بزيادة ضخمة في الإنفاق العسكري

تعهد المستشار الألماني شولتس بزيادة الإنفاق الدفاعي بشكل كبير وعلى الدوام في نطاق عشرات المليارات. جاء ذلك غداة طرح مبادئ توجيهية جديدة تتعلق بسياسة الدفاع تهدف إلى جعل الجيش مؤهلا باستمرار لحماية ألمانيا وحلفائها.

Source: "نظام السلام في خطر".. شولتس يعد بزيادة ضخمة في الإنفاق العسكري
[단독]정부, 의정 ‘5+4’ 협의체 추가 제안… 의사단체 “증원 중단부터” 거절

정부가 복수의 의사단체와 대통령실 및 정부 고위 관계자가 참여하는 ‘5+4’ 협의체 구성을 의사단체 측에 제안한 것으로 알려졌다. 이번 주 출범 예정인 대통령 직속 의료개혁특별위원회와 별도로 소수가 모여 밀도 있게 논의하자는 취지인데 의사단체 측에선 ‘참여가 어렵다’는 입장을 전했다고 한다. 정부 고위 관계자는 21일 “의사단체들에 대화를 위한 5+4 협의체 구성을 최근 제안했다”고 밝혔다. 참여 대상은 의사 측에서 법정단체인 대한의사협회(의협)와 교수 단체인 전국의대교수협의회(전의교협) 및 전국 의대교수 비상대책위원회(전의비), 전공의 단체인 대한전공의협의회(대전협), 의대생 단체인 대한의대·의학전문대학원학생협회(의대협) 등 5개 단체다. 정부 측에선 조규홍 보건복지부 장관과 장상윤 대통령사회수석비서관, 박구연 국무조정실 국무1차장, 오석환 교육부 차관이 참여한다. 하지만 의사단체들은 이 같은 제안을 받고 “참여하기 어렵다”는 입장을 밝힌 것으로 알려졌다. 최창민 전의비 위원장은
Source: [단독]정부, 의정 ‘5+4’ 협의체 추가 제안… 의사단체 “증원 중단부터” 거절
Ông Zelensky nói gói viện trợ của Mỹ giúp Ukraine có cơ hội thắng

Tổng thống Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky kêu gọi Mỹ nhanh chóng ký luật, đồng thời tiến hành chuyển giao vũ khí cho Ukraine.
Source: Ông Zelensky nói gói viện trợ của Mỹ giúp Ukraine có cơ hội thắng

NICHOLAS NEHAMAS, JIM TANKERSLEY2024年4月18日拜登总统周三在匹兹堡发表讲话,继续他在宾夕法尼亚州为期三天的行程。 Al Drago for The New York TimesPresident Biden on Wednesday called for major increases to some tariffs on steel and aluminum products from China, speaking to members of a national steelworkers union in Pittsburgh as he vies with former President Donald J. Trump for votes in Northern industrial states.拜登总统周三在匹兹堡向美国钢铁工人联合会会员发表讲话,呼吁大幅提高对来自中国的钢铁和铝产品征收的部分关税。拜登正在北部地区的工业州与前总统特朗普激烈竞争选票。“These are strategic and targeted actions that are going to protect American workers and ensure fair competition,” Mr. Biden told a crowd of about 100 union members at the United Steelworkers, which endorsed him last month. “Meanwhile, my predecessor and the MAGA Republicans want across-the-board tariffs on all imports, from all countries, that could badly hurt American consumers.”“这些战略性的、有针对性的行动将保护美国工人,确保公平竞争,”拜登在钢铁工人联合会总部对大约100名工会成员说,该工会上月已表示在总统大选中支持拜登。“与此同时,我的前任和MAGA共和党人想对来自所有国家的所有进口产品征收全面关税,那会严重伤害美国消费者的利益。”The Biden administration has argued that a flood of low-cost exports from China is undermining American-made products — jeopardizing Mr. Biden’s push to expand U.S. manufacturing, a central focus of his economic agenda.拜登政府已提出,来自中国的大量廉价出口正在对美国制造的产品造成损害,危害了拜登扩大美国制造业的努力,这是他经济议程的一个核心关注点。In his speech, Mr. Biden said he would ask the U.S. trade representative, Katherine Tai, to increase tariffs to what White House officials said would be 25 percent on certain Chinese products that now face tariffs of 7.5 percent, or none at all, pending the outcome of an administration review of the China tariffs initially imposed under Mr. Trump.拜登在讲话中说,等一项对特朗普政府最初对中国产品征收的关税进行的行政审查结果出来后,他将要求美国贸易代表戴琪将对某些中国产品的关税提高到25%,目前这些产品的关税为7.5%,或根本不加征关税。“I want fair competition with China, not conflict,” Mr. Biden said, flanked by supporters and signs that read, “President Joe Biden: Standing With Workers.” “And we’re in a stronger competition to win the economic competition of the 21st century with China or anyone else because we’re investing in America, and American workers, again.”“我要的是与中国公平竞争,而不是冲突,”拜登说,他身边站着支持者,身后有写着“乔·拜登总统:为工人撑腰”的标语牌。“在赢得与中国或其他任何国家的21世纪经济竞争上,我们有更强有力的竞争地位,因为我们正再次投资于美国和美国工人。”The move is another effort by Mr. Biden to put up new barriers to trade with China in some industries. It could help him compete with Mr. Trump in a “tough on China” context with swing voters, though administration officials said elections did not motivate the move.这是拜登对中国某些行业设置新贸易壁垒的又一举措,也是在“对华强硬”背景下与特朗普竞争摇摆州的选民,尽管政府官员表示,选举并非他采取这一行动的动机。A day earlier, Mr. Biden began a three-day swing through Pennsylvania, a crucial battleground state, by giving a speech in Scranton in which he focused on the tax code but repeatedly attacked Mr. Trump and accused him of favoring billionaires over the working class.一天前,拜登开始了在争夺激烈的关键州宾夕法尼亚州的三天竞选活动。虽然他那天在斯克兰顿讲话的重点是税法,但他多次攻击特朗普,谴责特朗普偏袒亿万富翁而不是工薪阶层。Mr. Biden’s plans on Chinese trade are more targeted than Mr. Trump’s, though. The former president has called for sweeping and steep new tariffs on imports from China and elsewhere, in a potential effort to fracture trade lines between the countries. Mr. Biden’s administration is reviewing existing tariffs and is expected to propose raising some rates on Chinese products while reducing others.拜登的对华贸易政策比特朗普的更有针对性。前总统特朗普已呼吁对来自中国和其他国家的进口产品征收全面、高额的新关税,这是一种破坏国家之间贸易关系的潜在努力。拜登政府正在审查目前的关税,预计将在结果出来后建议提高对某些中国产品征收的关税,同时降低其他产品的关税。At a morning stop for breakfast on his way to Pittsburgh from Scranton, Mr. Biden was asked by reporters if he was worried about a trade war with China. “No trade war,” he replied.在从斯克兰顿去匹兹堡的途中停下来吃早餐时,有记者问拜登是否担心与中国打贸易战。“没有贸易战,”他回答道。Before Mr. Biden’s remarks, Ms. Tai announced that her office had begun an investigation into China’s aggressive support for shipbuilders and other related industries, in response to a union complaint.拜登在匹兹堡发表讲话前,戴琪宣布,她的办公室已开始调查中国大力支持造船厂和其他相关行业的问题,作为对工会投诉的响应。“The American commercial shipbuilding industry is a shell of its former self,” the unions wrote in a filing with the trade representative. They added, “The biggest obstacle to the industry’s recovery is the unfair trade practices of the world’s largest shipbuilding nation: China.”“美国的商业造船业已失去了昔日的影响,”工会在提交给贸易代表的文件中写道。他们还说,“复苏该行业的最大障碍是世界最大的造船国中国的不公平贸易行为。”In the complaint, the unions cite “hundreds of billions” of dollars in Chinese government support for the shipbuilding industry. Those include supplying steel from government-owned companies at below-market rates, along with a variety of efforts to steer low-cost loans and other financing to shipbuilders from state-run companies. Ms. Tai called the allegations “serious and concerning.”工会在投诉书中给出的例子包括,中国政府为国内造船业提供了相当于“数以千亿计”美元的支持,包括以低于市场的价格向造船厂供应国有企业生产的钢材,以及把低成本贷款和其他资金引导到造船厂和其他国有企业的各种努力。戴琪称这些指控“严重且令人担忧”。The moves threaten to deepen a trade dispute with Beijing, which has criticized Mr. Biden for his own efforts to subsidize American manufacturing — including tax credits in the Inflation Reduction Act that are meant to increase production of solar panels, electric vehicles and other technologies aimed at reducing fossil fuel emissions.这些调查有加深美中贸易争端的危险。中国批评了拜登政府补贴美国制造业的努力,包括《通货膨胀削减法案》中的税收抵免,该法案的目的是提高美国在太阳能电池板、电动汽车和其他减少化石燃料技术上的制造业产能。China’s Commerce Ministry sharply criticized the investigation in a release, saying it was “filled with a large number of false accusations, misinterpreting normal trade and investment activities as harming U.S. national security and corporate interests, and blaming China for its own industrial problems.”中国商务部新闻发言人严厉批评了这些调查,称调查申请“充斥大量不实指责,将正常贸易投资活动曲解为损害美国家安全和企业利益,将自身产业问题归咎于中国”。In his speech, Mr. Biden also reaffirmed his support for the steelworkers union in a dispute over the proposed sale of the Pittsburgh-based U.S. Steel to Nippon Steel of Japan.拜登在讲话中还重申了他在一场纠纷中支持钢铁工人联合会的立场,这场纠纷涉及日本制铁收购著名的匹兹堡企业美国钢铁公司的提议。Nippon officials have vowed to invest billions in American manufacturing facilities, to keep U.S. Steel’s headquarters in Pittsburgh and to honor existing labor contracts. But the attempted purchase has drawn fire from the union and a bipartisan group of senators, largely from industrial states, who say it could compromise national security.日本制铁的官员承诺对美国钢铁的制造设施投资数十亿美元,让其总部留在匹兹堡,并将履行现有劳工合同。但收购的尝试已遭到了工会和(主要来自工业州的)两党参议员的批评,他们称收购会损害国家安全。Mr. Biden has signaled opposition to the deal, which his administration is scrutinizing on security and antitrust grounds. He has said repeatedly that he will stand with steelworkers in the dispute over the sale, though administration officials have not specified exactly what that means in policy terms. 拜登已发出信号表示反对这笔交易,他的政府正在对收购进行安全和反垄断审查。他已多次表示,在有关收购的纠纷中,他站在钢铁工人一边,尽管政府官员尚未具体说明这在政策上意味着什么。David McCall, the international president of the steelworkers union, praised Mr. Biden before his speech.钢铁工人联合会的国际主席戴维·麦考尔在拜登发表讲话前赞扬了总统。“President Biden promised U.S.W. members that he had our backs,” Mr. McCall said. “And it’s clear he does.”“拜登总统已向美国钢铁联合会成员承诺,他会为我们撑腰,”麦考尔说。“很明显,他这样做了。”艾莎(Alexandra Stevenson)对本文有报道贡献。Nicholas Nehamas是时报政治记者,报道拜登总统的连任竞选活动。点击查看更多关于他的信息。Jim Tankersley撰写关于白宫经济政策及其如何影响美国和世界的新闻。他在华盛顿报道该领域已有十多年时间,重点关注中产议题。点击查看更多关于他的信息。翻译:纽约时报中文网点击查看本文英文版。

Source: 拜登呼吁大幅提高对中国钢铁和铝产品关税


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